I’m a Holistic Coach and EFT practitioner, combining also my training in yoga, yoga therapy, meditation and breath to facilitate mind-body-soul expansion and freedom. My purpose is to activate, catalyse and shake things up which means I interrupt your patterns, beliefs, behaviours, habits and operating paradigms.
My work seeks to gain clarity within the conscious mind, rewire fears and limitations hidden within the subconscious mind, calm and regulate the nervous system and heal the body from the inside out.
My aim is to clear the obstacles in your way of living the life you want and give you ownership and agency so that you can trust in your own experience, fully reclaim your power and discover your potential.
I can hold space for your pain, trauma and struggles and support you to alchemise it all into strength and direction for your future.
There is nothing too shameful, too dark, too traumatic from you landing in a pathway to healing and wholeness and learning to love and accept yourself unconditionally along the way.
I will be your greatest cheerleader, tough love coach and soulful mentor, guiding you towards what is possible and who you can be the other side of all the blockages placed in the way.
“HIgher Love”
‘Higher Love’ is the summation of my 10 year journey of holistic health: shedding the layers of who we are not to arrive at the core of who we all are - LOVE.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi
2022 EFT-MR Teacher Training helper with Karl Dawson
Trauma-Informed Training with One Small Thing
Light Matrix + Heart Focused Healing with Sharon King
EFT + Matrix Reimprinting with Karl Dawson
100hr Teaching Assistant, Yoga Therapy with Yoga Deep
100hr Yoga Therapy and 100hr Yin Yoga with Yoga Deep
100hr Pranayama and Meditation with Yoga East West
200hr Teaching Assistant, Yoga East West, Bali
500hr Yoga Teacher, Mahala Yoga London and Yoga East West, Bali
Hormone Health (7 month Diploma) Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Gut Health (7 month Diploma) Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Holistic Health and Nutrition Coaching (1 year diploma) Institute of Integrative Nutrition
MA Hons University of Cambridge
qualifications and trainings
Who Do I work with?
My higher offerings and packages support those ready for great change in their lives. You might have identified patterns in your life, for example in the area of relationships, and want to get to the root cause. You might have a business you are ready to grow and want to get out of your own way to expand. You might be a change-hungry visionary seeking to become a bigger and brighter leader in a world that needs your light. I work with the workers, those ready to put old habits down. I write permission slips for you to be your most authentic self.
I also work to empower those seeking greater agency over their lives.
Maybe you experience symptoms of anxiety or trauma.
It is my wish that coaching and trauma-informed facilitation is made available to those who need it and can benefit from it.
I work with a broad spectrum of individuals. As long as you desire great change, even if you don’t know how to go about that, together we will co-create a healing trajectory.